Friday, November 1, 2013


Alternatively titled:
"What PR is, Why I Care About It, and Why You Should too".

So, PR or Public Relations. If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me exactly what that was, I'd never have to worry about coffee money again.

Now that I'm two months into a program about public relations, and have a blog based solely on that topic, I figured it was time to decide exactly what that meant. For me, PR is a pretty simple concept wrapped in convoluted circumstances and expectations.

It isn't just running a Facebook page or a Twitter feed. It isn't just calling news agencies and writing press releases. It isn't just plugging products and setting up events. It is all of this and more.

It is managing appearances. It is using the written word in conjunction with the media to gauge and improve your reputation. It is addressing concerns and finding ways to deal with them before they turn into a disaster. It is, as I said, a very simple concept with a wealth of complex conditions attached. It is managing your relationship with various publics.

So, with that said, welcome to my blog, "Always An Adventure".

Over the course of the next few months, I'll be reviewing different things; television shows, movies, shopping experiences, or locations and events. The point of this is two fold: I am being graded for this, but I also want it to be an interesting learning experience. I chose this theme for my blog because it seemed like an entertaining way of exposing and dissecting new media and new places, but also a way to get the word out to those who are unaware of them.

On one hand, this blog was designed for a class project, so it will be somewhat censured. On the other, I want it to be fun while remaining professional. We'll see how it goes in the long run, but I hope that for the duration, this will be fun and you'll come away with something from it.

For the first post, I'll be reviewing the first season of AMC's gritty period drama, "Hell On Wheels". That should be up in a day or so.

All the best,
- Erin.

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